Simple Geospatial Solutions

SGS Prime COGO Version 1.9.8 released September 24, 2022.

Version 1.9.8 is a free update for Version 1.x license holders.

NOTE: This version of SGS Prime COGO was developed and tested with firmware versions 2.1.14425 (2020-01-16) (G1) and 2.1.14603 (2021-12-02) (G2). This version of SGS Prime COGO will not work with firmware versions released before 2020.

IMPORTANT: A serious bug in the 2021-05-05, 2021-10-01 and 2021-12-02 firmware version for the G1 Prime calculators renders SGS Prime COGO unusable. The solution is to downgrade to version 2020-01-16 if you have already upgraded to the latest. Download the Downgrade Instructions


Visit for more information about SGS Prime COGO.

Installation Files

IMPORTANT: The Full Installation option includes all the features for Lite, Standard and Professional while the Reduced Installation option only includes the features for Lite and Standard and is less than 60% the size of the Full option. If your calculator displays a Device ID ending with -A1 or -C1 (aka G1), then the Reduced Installation option is highly recommended. For calculators with a Device ID ending in -D1 (aka G2) and for virtual calculators on PC/Mac/iOS/Android either version will be fine, the Full option is required of course for the Professional features.

In other words, at this time we don't recommend purchasing a Professional license if you have an older model HP Prime calculator (G1).


English Language
Full Installation - Larger size, required for the Professional version, or
Reduced Installation - Smaller size, required for G1 calculators, but only includes Lite and Standard features
Langue Française
Installation complète - Taille de fichier plus grande, requise pour la version professionnelle, ou
Installation réduite - Taille de fichier plus petite, requise pour les calculatrices G1, mais n'inclut que les fonctionnalités Lite et Standard

Reference manual

Ready to Update?

Watch the Update Overview video to review the update procedure, or refer to the Installation/Upgrade Instructions document.


If you have any questions or wish to report a problem, please email