LISP Programs

Custom LISP programs are available by request, cost is based on an hourly rate.

Lot Closure Reports

Checking lot closures is an important quality control step in the completion of a legal survey drawing. It is important to be certain that missing or incorrect dimensions are corrected prior to the final document being submitted for registration. The SGS Closures program is designed to make this step quick and easy and the program produces a nice HTML report on completion for your records. The program proves that the annotations in the drawing are correct. Included are two commands 'closelot' and 'closestrata'.

  • closelot is designed for typical lot closures where straight lines and curves are annotated in a drawing. The program guides the user through selecing the annotations for a fast, efficient, and error-free way to check the lot closure. View a Sample Report.
  • closestrata is designed for checking closures of a building strata (or condo) where typically only the distance dimensions are provided. The bearings are derived from the distance text rotation, providing a very fast way to confirm that there are no missing or incorrect dimensions. View a Sample Report.

Several settings are provided to allow for variations in drafting standards. Dimension objects can be TEXT, MTEXT, or ARCALIGNEDTEXT entities.

Cost and Terms of Use

The SGS Closures program is provided free of charge. You are free to use, share, and modify the program as you wish.

Please email to report any problems with running the program, or to request new features.


Any CAD program which is able to run LISP programs should be compatible. These commands have been tested with:

  • MicroSurvey CAD (Versions 2021 and 2022)
  • Carlson (Version 2021 with IntelliCAD)
  • BricsCAD (Version 22)
  • Civil 3D (Version 2022)

Other versions of these programs should also be compatible, however this has not been tested at this time.


Download the Installation Instructions for more information about the installation procedure.

Batch file 'installers' are provided for some of the more common software used by surveyors (see PDF). These batch files simply copy the required files to the correct folders and either edit or copy some specific files to make the commands available by the program. Each time you update your software you will need to run the batch file again to copy the necessary files.


The video below demonstrates how the commands work.